

Established in 1953, St. Malachy's School has been providing the students of Edenhope and its surrounds, with quality education for decades.  Founded by the Sisters of Mercy, St. Malachy's School took its name from the canonised saint, St. Malachy O'Morgair, of Ireland.  Ordained as a priest at the age of 25, St. Malachy devoted his life to Catholicism.  He was made Bishop of Connor by age 30.  St. Malachy is most notable for preaching amongst the poor and re-establishing the sacraments of marriage, penance and confirmation.  In 1190, Pope Clement III approved the canonisation of Malachy O'Morgair, the first formally canonised Irish saint.

As a result of soldier settlement, the population of Edenhope was growing and thus the parish of Edenhope was formed in 1950.  The desire for a Catholic school in the community was burgeoning.  Inspired by St. Malachy's work and the Catholic faith, the Sisters of Mercy opened the school on the 8th of January, 1953.  Originally providing classes for students from Prep to Year 10, enrolment in the year of opening was 101.  Over time, as the population began to lower in the town of Edenhope, the school downsized to exclusively primary year levels, as it remains today.